ANONYMOUS asked: Oooo Petey got a new toy! What do you think it does? Got any fancy buttons or switches on it?

PETE: I mean, you’d think it would tell the time.

[He waves the pocket watch around. The hands spin wildly.]

PETE: But no, it’s just like… a weird two-handed compass. It doesn’t have any buttons, either.

ANONYMOUS asked: mysterious how a watch just happened to be there when the computer turned yellow..

PETE: I thought everything in here was unplugged, but I guess not.

PETE: You know, this school was built so haphazardly, I wouldn’t put it past them to have a computer lab from the 90s on the same circuit as another room that people actually use.

ANONYMOUS asked: I don’t know I’m still worried about Max and Grace glitching. If either of them glitched something pretty bad could go down.

PETE: Yeah, me too. But they remembered the Waylon place correctly, what else was I gonna do? Leave them out there to get attacked?

PETE: Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Max becomes a bully again? I dealt with that for eight years, I’ll be fine.

[Pete’s eyes widen with a sudden realization. He glances towards Steph. The memory of her dead body floods his vision.]

PETE: Well… either that, or they… yeah. Whatever. We’ll be fine.