the conflux

the conflux is an interactive fan project on tumblr that takes place in hatchetfield, a series of musicals and short plays on youtube by team starkid. it's primarily a comic where viewers can vote on outcomes or ask characters to do certain things.

you can follow the entire comic from the beginning on tumblr, or read through the archive, which updates only at the end of every episode.

in hatchetfield there exists five eldritch gods, the lords in black. one of those gods is named tinky, or t'noy keraxis, and his domain revolves around time and space. he's most prominently featured in the nightmare time episode time bastard, where he puts ted spankoffski through hell for funsies.

i thought a god who controls time and space in hatchetfield (a setting where there are many canonical timelines) is an incredibly powerful being. wiggly had his own apocalypse in black friday, centered around rage and consumerism. in the guy who didn't like musicals pokey takes over the world with a musical zombie infection. i wondered what an apocalypse started by tinky would look like, and the conflux was born!