a list of the timelines that we've seen in the conflux so far, organized alphabetically. the notes here are kept vaguely updated with what's discovered on the tumblr blog, so things will change as the story goes forward.
also note that the conflux takes place in its own timeline, and characters might act a little differently than canon stories— sprinkled throughout the story are hints to where things went differently.
black friday

the canonical events of the musical. tom houston is under the effects of wiggly's spell and desperately wants a doll.
half infected!paul

instead of fully taking over paul matthew's mind in *the guy who didn't like musicals*, pokotho leaves him with some of his original self. what the rest of the world is like is unknown.
nerdy prudes must die

the canonical events of the musical. max's ghost has been sent to the black and white. pete has become closer friends with pj and reese after richie and ruth's deaths.
peter s has got a gun

instead of steph trying to shoot pete as a sacrifice to the lords in black, pete tried to shoot steph and succeeded.

the social status of hatchetfield high students are flipped, with nerds becoming popular and the popular kids becoming nerds.

reese is a cheerleader, with grace as their captain. kyle and brenda are nerds, taking pj and reese's places respectively.