pete watches steph, grace, and max talk together at the back of the computer lab.

GRACE: Do you know what’s going on, Steph?

STEPH: No, Pete was telling me about this morning…

as he walks to the back, pete sees an old computer, its screen glowing yellow. confused, he walks to it. a view from under the table, showing a pocket watch leaning against the inside of the table. it's gold, with a space-like display. there are four markings on it: a star, a filled circle, a blank circle, and a crescent moon. pete's legs are seen at the side, standing at the table. pete kneels down and reaches for the pocket watch. pete looks down at the pocket watch in his hands. his eyes shimmer yellow.

[ PETE found a POCKET WATCH. ]

[It doesn’t seem to display the time in a way that he can understand it. And every time he moves, the hands spin. Something about the watch compels him to keep it.]

[ The POCKET WATCH is a special gift from down below. It has a hidden ability that can be used during important moments. When the time comes, it will be up to you to decide whether Pete uses the watch, or saves its power for later. ]