pete scoots away from steph.

PETE: Steph, you—

both pete and steph look towards the door, surprised.

[Knock knock! Someone’s at the door. Pete runs over to check.]

a split view of the door, showing max and grace on the left and pete on the right, his hand against the door.

PETE: Oh my god, it’s Max and Grace!

max and grace from pete's point of view, behind the window of the door. they both speak anxiously with wide eyes.

GRACE: Pete! Please let us in!

MAX: Some fucked up video game shit happened to Kyle and I’m freakin’ out!

a shoulders-up view of pete, thinking.

PETE: (Should I let them in…? They look like the people I know, but so did Steph… Will they glitch too?)

PETE: (Wait. Before, Reese looked normal but she thought Richie and Ruth were dead. Her memories were different. And when Steph went back to normal just now, she didn’t know that she glitched.)

PETE: (If Max and Grace aren’t themselves right now, they wouldn’t know it. But they would also remember things differently. I should ask them a question, like in a horror movie where there’s doppelgangers… but what should I ask?)

[ Do you have any suggestions for Pete? Based on your knowledge of “glitching” and the differences between timelines, what should his question to Max and Grace focus on, in order to confirm their identities? Followers of the blog were asked to send their ideas to the ask box. ]