[ CHOICE CONFIRMED — PETE: Accept the apology kiss ]

close up of pete and steph kissing.

[Pete nods. Steph leans in and kisses him. He almost forgets why she wanted to apologize— why they’re hiding out in the computer lab to begin with. When they break away, they both have smiles on their faces.]

animated gif. steph and pete separate from the kiss. as they do, steph glitches and slumps against the wall. there's a bullet wound in her chest and a trickle of blood from her lips. pete jumps back, slapping a hand over his mouth, as steph glitches back to normal. steph, back to normal, looks concerned at a shocked pete.

STEPH: What, was the kiss that bad?

pete stares past the camera at steph, about to cry.

STEPH: …Pete? Why are you looking at me like that?