ted walks into the office, throwing finger guns and winking at sylvia. she's sitting at the front desk, annoyed.

TED: Morning, Sylvia ;)

SYLVIA: Ugh. Good morning, Spankoffski.

ted has a hand on his office door, looking out at the floor. it's filled with cubicles. paul is standing with his back to the camera. ted's office has a plaque that says 'spankoffski quarantine.'

TED: Hey, Paul!

close up of paul. he has one brown eye and one bright blue one. blue veins stretch out from his blue eye to cover half his face. he looks at ted with a blank expression.

PAUL: Hey, Ted.

TED: (What the hell’s up with his face?)

What happens?

TED: Joke about his face
TED: Ask him seriously
TED: Ignore it and walk into your office