[Grace looks at the three students in front of her. Steph was telling her about their friends’ theories from earlier this morning, that glitched people are from alternate universes where things are different. If that’s true, then in whatever universe her peers have moved to, Reese is popular and Kyle and Brenda are not.]
[If the status quo was switched for them, it must have switched for Grace, too. Grace, who has been an outcast her entire life, branded a weird, annoying, nerdy prude. If in that universe, she’s the opposite of an outcast, then she must be—]

GRACE: Reese! Shut up and GO AWAY!

REESE: Oh, gosh! Yes Grace! Whatever you say, Grace! Please don’t kick me off the squad I’m so sorry…
[Reese runs back where she came from, her apologetic babbling growing more muffled as she goes. Kyle and Brenda are already gone— they booked it the second Grace raised her voice.]

GRACE: Woah…
MAX: C'mon Grace, we gotta go.
[Max grabs her hand and pulls her along as the group continues on their journey, more hurried than they’d been before.]

[Pete pulls the pocket watch out and stares at it as they run. Something in his gut tells him that this moment was important. But it wasn’t the sole important moment. It’s one of many. Is this the right time for the watch’s power?]
[ We’ve seen the outcome if Grace acts on her instinct, but what about Steph or Max? Keep in mind that if Pete uses the pocket watch, he won’t be able to use it again, and what is done cannot be undone. ]
What happens?