[ We have entered a GAME OF CHANCE. The rules of this game are listed below… ]
For the next 7 days in real life, Tinky will roll a 12-sided die.
If the result is not a 1, the group will advance to the next hallway without incident. There will be a post showing their successful movement, a little closer to the theatre.
If the result is a 1, something bad will happen.
There will be a post showing the threat and its outcome. A one-day poll will begin, with multiple characters able to take action. However, only one action can win.
After the poll, another update will post to show the outcome of your choice. There will be one last poll, and what is chosen cannot be undone.
It’s up to you to decide the fate of your precious toys.
To clarify: there are 7 “hallways” the group must pass through. If nothing happens, they will successfully pass through one hall each day. If something bad happens, the game will pause as the bad time polls play out. Once the bad thing is resolved, the next day will continue through the game as normal.
If a 1 is rolled before the last day, every roll after will instead be on a 20-sided die. Still a chance of another bad time, but less of a chance.