ANONYMOUS asked: I’m praying that your dice doesn’t roll any natural ones. I’ve played DnD and I can say that natural ones don’t lead to nice things.
TINKY: But natural ones are soooo much more interesting, heheHE!
ANONYMOUS asked: Tinky I swear to God don’t fuck up those rolls or it will be the last thing you’ll ever do.
TINKY: You don’t have any power over me, friend :)
ANONYMOUS asked: Hey Tinky, what do you gain from this?
TINKY: The same thing you gain from this!
ANONYMOUS asked: I will say, what with the difference in memories and the glitches changing outfits and statuses, plus the pocket watch... I dunno, feels kind of like timelines are converging on you, don't'cha think?
- 🪶 (AKA Quill)
PETE: That’s an interesting theory. I don’t get what the pocket watch has to do with it, though.
ANONYMOUS asked: Well the pocket watch feels important… what if it can help people who’ve gone glitch? I don’t know how, it doesn’t have any knobs or switches. But if it is timelines.. it’s a pocket watch, that’s gotta mean something right?
Let’s just hope it doesn’t make things worse…
-🐦⬛ (crow)
[Pete watches the hands of the pocket watch spin with every step they take down the hallway. He knows it’s just an illusion, but he swears that the space-themed backdrop of the watch face is moving.]
PETE: I guess you’re right. I dunno why, but it feels important. Maybe that’s just my anxiety.
ANONYMOUS asked: Hey Pete, Steph, Grace and Max, keep your eyes open for anything out of normal. With this glitch shit going on you have to be extra alert!
And Petey, don’t lose sight on that watch! It seems very important…
PETE: You don’t have to tell me twice. I’ve been jumping at every little noise since we left the lab.
MAX: Don’t worry guys, my eyes are skinned!
GRACE: …You mean peeled?
MAX: Huh? What’d I say?