steph points her thumb behind her. near the library door, reese is something print, her back to the viewer.

STEPH: No offense Pete, but that’s ridiculous. I walked down here with Reese and she’s fine. No weird glitches or anything.

a closer view of reese at the printer. kyle walks by, a small smile on his face. reese glitches and kyle stops, looking shocked. still glitching, reese jumps forward and hugs kyle, his arms pinned at his sides. kyle begins to glitch as reese's figure steps away. chest-up view of reese and kyle blankly staring at each other, a few glitch particles still visible. kyle has thick square glasses and a purple sweater with hearts on it. reese is wearing a cheerleader uniform. reese turns back to the printer, waving dismissively. kyle hugs himself and turns around to walk away, looking upset.

REESE: Hey Kyle, can you move over there for a sec? I gotta print out some homework and you really bring down my vibe when you’re that close. Thanks, sweetie!