pete jumps as max slaps a hand on his shoulder, a grin on his face.

MAX: Yo, Spankoffski!

pete looks concerned, while max is casual, not making eye contact with pete.

PETE: Max, you scared me.

MAX: Sorry dude. I’m on my way to remedial algebra, but I gotta invite you to the big party this weekend.

max walks away, leaving an annoyed pete behind.

MAX: Text Steph, she knows the details.

the view zooms out to the entire hallway. pete is standing in the center, looking unamused. max is in the foreground, walking away from pete with his head turned back to talk to him. there are little blue flowers around his head to show he's being really sweet right now.

MAX: See you later, man! Go Nighthawks!

PETE: (I’ll never get used to Max being friendly…)

[The bell rings.]